The DEVICES section in your online Intrusta web portal is where you can manage your devices. We created this so you can always be in touch with Intrusta while on the go.
To go directly to the DEVICES page, head to
As you can see, this page lists out all the devices that are currently on your account. We show you the name of the device, the last time a scan was completed, and if we found any suspicious files during the last scan.
How do I change the avatar of my device?
- Hover your mouse over the avatar you wish to change
- Click CHANGE
- Select the new avatar you want to use
- Select SAVE
How do I update a device name?
- Click the settings wheel above the device you wish to change
- Remove the existing Device Name and enter a new name
- Select SAVE
Removing an Intrusta license from your account
- Select the settings wheel next to the device you wish to remove
- Click on Do you want to remove this device from your account
- Select Remove when prompted to confirm you wish to remove this device.
- If you receive a message saying that you have suspicious files that are still contained, you will need to delete those first. If you do not have access to the Intrusta app on that device, please reach out to Intrusta Support and we can help.
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